Loyalty Bootlegs

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The Good...

The Bad....
I have been trading since around 2001 and can admit that over the years I certainly had some issues with some people and with some trades. Maybe I sent the wrong shows? Maybe I didn't pay attention to detail? Not only have I done this on accident to people, but it has happened to me as well and it still happens to me today. While some people have certainly ripped me off or have shorted me during the trade, I was able to work something out in the end. I will also admit that several times when I first started trading that I have been the cause of some issues by either not paying detailed attention or just not caring out of immaturity. However, the situations below are over 10 years old and both involve VHS tapes! And because of this, there are two situations I would like to discuss.
Situation #1 - Trade From January 2006...
Website: www.ratm-bootlegs.de.vu (Click 'Bad Traders' for his version of our situation.)
Notes: This person and I had set up a VHS Rage Against The Machine trade for three shows. I do not remember who had contacted who first, but I do believe we agreed to send at the same time. Maybe he contacted me first? Remembering the details of a trade from over 10 years ago is difficult. Anyways, he did send my three shows and they worked perfectly. At the time, I was not only going through family nonsense and drama that should not have affected my trades, but was also moving and doing away with my VHS tapes to lighten the load. In the shuffle, I admit to never sending my end of the deal and had forgotten about the trade completely. After wanting to make things right and offering RATM DVDs, I was told that only VHS tapes would be accepted as a form of trade and only after receiving them would things be right between us. While I admit that this situation was 100% my fault, who has VHS tapes in 2016? I think it is more than nice to attempt to come clean on a bad trade from over 10 years ago and to admit the situation on my own page, but I simply cannot send what I do not have, as I do not have a single VHS tape in my collection. He admits on his website to not wanting "wide-circulated DVDs" and only wants VHS tapes like we agreed in 2006, believing that the shows are different I guess? I really do not understand his demands for VHS tapes in 2016. Like this trader, I would love to work this situation out, but I simply cannot send something that is not in my posession. I still have all of the shows I originally had and did offer those, but was told they would only be accepted on VHS tapes. The above trader is more than welcome to contact me as I would have absolutely no problem doing the right thing. I wish him nothing but the best in his trades, but I feel he is not allowing me to do the right thing, which is why I felt the need to explain the situation from my perspective.

His version of our situation.

Situation #2 - Trade From December 2004...

Email: Yohann666@yahoo.fr

Name & Location: Yohann Sassier - Paris, France

Website:  Yohann666@webs.com (Click 'Bad Traders' for his version of our situation.)

Notes: Let me begin by saying that I really like Yohann. He seemed like a nice guy and was really personable. He contacted me back in 2004 (12 years ago) and asked about some shows on VHS. On his page he says, "He sold to me a VHS tape..." First of all, I really doubt I had Paypal when I was around 17 years old, having no bank account to link payment to. Anyways, (I guess) Yohann received a VHS tape from me and said the shows were wrong, the quality was bad, and that I was a "crook" and a "liar." On Sunday December 19, 2004, Yohann posted about me on a bootleg forum site that I was a "fucking liar," so our trade must have been before that. I completely apologize for sending Yohann the incorrect show on VHS as he states. In a world where people are dying from incurable diseases and there are acts of terror for no reason, it seems pretty sad to still be upset about a VHS tape 12 years later. At the same time, I have no problem speaking with Yohann and would like to work something out with him if he would like to as well and I will be the first to apologize that he and I had a bad transaction. What confuses me the most is that he says on his page I sent him the wrong shows, that the shows had nothing to do with what he asked, and that I lied about the quality of them. Wait... How can I have sent the wrong shows, but Yohann can still see the quality of them? How can he comment on the quality of shows he says he never received? It's either that I sent the wrong stuff OR I was incorrect about the quality, but it certainly cannot be both. It is impossible for a person to receive the wrong shows, but to comment on their low quality at the same time since they said they never received them. Either way, It seems as if our bad trade is still bothering him all of this time later since he has a five year old Facebook picture of me and my former cat on his 'Bad Trader' page. So, I decided to do the same thing to him and have many other pictures as well, and because of that, Yohann Sassier is more than welcome to contact me and I will do my absolute best to take care of things with him. I do not want he and I to take little jabs at one another over the internet. I think we should have a conversation and see if we can work out our differences in some way. A person should not have to carry around anger for 12 years from a VHS tape, but I really do not remember much about the situation other than he was a pretty nice guy. If he would like, I am more than willing to solve our problem and will erase this explanation as well as his picture below. I feel very bad that this is still bothering him, I do apologize. I am sorry. Take care Yohann :-)


His version of our situation.